Saturday, October 24, 2009

GQ for Women

So today, I went to my favorite store, and no it was not H&M, even though it does come up high in the list. I went to Barnes and Noble in Union Square. 4 levels, tons of places to sit, and great cafeteria. Either way, I went because I had a mission. The other day, I read some mens magazines, such as GQ and Details. And I fell in love! Why? Because they actually had real things to say, not the typical 300 ways to please your man. Do not misinterpret, I love the occasional Glamour and Cosmo. But don't you get sick of reading the typical sex and relationship advice. Well, I do! I read some great articles in GQ and Details. And one article was so great, it even led me to Barnes and Noble. In GQ, there was an excerpt of a recently new book, "Speechless: Tales of a White House Survivor," by Matt Latimer. Great read so far, and its only been my first day. I will not lie, I was caught in a difficult choice, when I did pass by the Relationship/Self Improvement aisle. As I glanced through the new books, I was tempted to purchase, I decided to stay with my Latimer book. I mean, its always great to be well rounded, as I stand by my quote, "Relationships are not the end all, be all." So, its refreshing to read something rather than sex, men, and relationships.
Another task I decided to take upon myself, I am brushing up on my French skills. I studied French for 5 years, and unfortunately, I am rusty, or lets be honest, I completely forgot. And its a shame, especially when knowing or learning a new language and culture is always beneficial. So my task, before the end of the year to improve my French.
So today, was a nourishment to my brain. Just like your body, your brain needs to be fed. When's the last time that you read a book outside of your "typical realm"? Or try to learn a new language? Don't wait to add it to your new years resolution, do it now!


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